Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Notes

Divine Service @ 10 am

As We Gather: 

Those who trust in the Lord receive blessings. Like a tree planted by water, those who trust will not wither in the heat. The blessings are eternal, not temporal; spiritual, not physical; for the poor, the hungry, and the weeping are blessed. Therefore we rejoice in tribulation, for our reward is in heaven and Christ has indeed been raised. His resurrection is our sure promise that our faith is not in vain. 

Old Testament: 
Jeremiah 17:5-8: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:12-20: If Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain.
Holy Gospel:
Luke 6:17-26: Blessed are they. 

"In Fact" (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)
Rev. Larry MacKay  

Music: Martha Feculak

Hymns and Songs: 
Opening Hymn:
"Baptized into Your Name Most Holy" - LSB 590
Hymn: "Thy Word Is a Lamp" - LSB 973
Hymn of the Day: "Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living" - LSB 479
Distribution Hymns & Songs: 
"Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord" - LSB 637
"Because He Lives" (Gloria and William Gaither composers)
"O Son of God, in Galilee" - LSB 841
Closing Hymn: "Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven" - LSB 477

Prayer for the Word of God

1 Corinthians 15:3 - O Lord, make my every word and action proclaim to the people around me that Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is of first importance to me. Amen! 

In Our Prayers this week: 

o Katherine Aitchison, Brian Brownlee, Ingrid Brunsch, Doreen Christensen, Sherley Hearty, David Kraatz, Dieter Krentz, Peter Lam, Elizabeth Nyaang, Ruth Porter, Rick Riemann, Allan Schole, Nyabey Ter, Elizabeth Tut, Mary Nyakoang Tut (Sarah Lam's mother), Cheryl Will and Rebecca Wongjok.

o Karen Krysa asks you to keep her cousin and husband and their unborn baby girl in your prayers as they navigate through an incredibly high-risk pregnancy.

o Pastor James Kay's family in Sudan.o To begin Sunday School for children -   

o   that God would raise up 4 Nuer families to support this ministry, 

o   that God would raise up another teacher among the Nuer fellowship, and 

o   that God would raise up 3 English members to mentor teachers.

Click on this link for all live streamed worship services:Grace Lutheran Livestream On YouTube 

LWML February 1, 2025 Update

This Sunday's Sermon:
February 16 - "In Fact" (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)   
Rev. Larry MacKay (Available next week). 

February 9 Sermon: "Fear and Courage" (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Rev. Neil SternFor a digital copy, click here. 

February 2 Sermon: "Brought Into the Light" (Luke 4:35, 39, 41)   
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.
January 26 Sermon: "What's the Buzz?" (Luke 4:14-30)
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.

January 19 Sermon: "Behind the Scenes" (John 2:1-11)
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.

January 12 Sermon: "Over the Waters (Psalm 29:3, 11; Luke 3:21-22)
Rev. Neil Stern
For a digital copy, click here.

February 2025 Calendar

February 16:
"The Bread of Our Lives" 
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Daniel Paavola.
Jesus gives us Himself as the Bread of Life so that everything we need can be filled by Him and His gifts.
(John 6:35)

Be sure and pick up a copy!


Sudanese Bible Study
Cancelled for Saturday, February 15th (2pm), as Pastor James is away for the weekend.

Centenary Contemplations XVIII.  1984

The fall of 1984 was a busy one for the people of Grace.  Church leadership was looking critically at the physical plant at Grace.  As the main church building was thirty years old and the Education Wing approaching twenty years, it was becoming apparent that the existing structures needed to be modified to accommodate changing needs.  In particular, neither building was at all accessible for people with mobility issues-and more room was required to allow for larger groups at meetings.  Plans for these renovations would be executed over the next several years, as they necessitated a great deal of financial support and hard work to bring to fruition.  But the ball was rolling!

In the area of ministry, two significant events took place at Grace that would impact the congregation and the church at large for years to come.  Firstly, Concordia Lutheran Seminary held its inaugural service at Grace on September 9.  The founding class of seminarians would be taught by President Ted Janzow, Dr. Norman Threinen, and Dr. Ron Vahl.  Two members of this class, Fred Albert and John Niemenen, were designated to be the first seminary field workers hosted by Grace.  This practice has continued to the present day, with many fine ministerial candidates being mentored by our pastors and welcomed into the Grace family.

Secondly, and of keen interest to the congregation, Pastor Larry MacKay accepted the call to become Grace's Associate Pastor.  He was installed in a special evening service on November 11, 1984, and he and his wife Carole and son James became an integral part of the congregational fabric.  Pastor Larry was to become Grace's longest-serving pastor, ministering faithfully till his retirement in November of 2016.  We are blessed that he continues to worship with us and serve amongst us in volunteer capacities.   

Reflecting on the many blessings showered upon the congregation during its 60th anniversary year made the Advent and Christmas celebrations that year extra-special.  God had been very good to us!

Source: Bentsen, Barbara: Grace Upon Grace: The Continuing Story of God's Blessings at Work in Grace Lutheran Church. Swarm Enterprises, 1999.

If you want to get a hold of Pastor Neil: 

Pastor James' Contact Information: 

Church Office Hours:The church office will be open the following hours this week:Tuesday: 9:00-3:00 p.m.Thursday: 9:00-3:00 p.m. It would still be best to call before you stop by just to make sure someone is there! 

E-transfer Donations: Donations by e-transfer can be made to

Shut In List: If you are aware of a shut-in needing a visit, or you are currently a shut-in that may not be on our list, please contact Pastor Neil at the church office.  

Change of Personal Information: Please let the office know by phone (780 488 7967) or email ( of any changes to your address, phone number, email, etc. 

Grace Notes: Please send any submissions for next week's Grace Notes to by the end of the day on Wednesday. Thanks!