Grace Lutheran Church

October 20, 2024

Divine Service @ 10 am

As We Gather:
The fevered pace of labor and life is refreshed only by the living Christ, who gives grace and forgiveness. These things are abundantly revealed to us in Word and Sacrament on the sacred Sabbath. This is the day we hear the preaching of His Word, receive it, and learn it. Through this Word, we hear the restorative Gospel from Jesus. No other riches on earth can compare to His Gospel—it is the means by which we enter eternity.   

Ecclesiastes 5:10-20: Find enjoyment in your lot in life.
Hebrews 4:1–13:“There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.”
Mark 10:23–31: “All things are possible with God.”

Sermon: "How Rich  Are You?" (Mark 10:23-31)

Music: Simon Abbott
Opening Hymn: “Gracious God You Send Great Blessings” (LSB 782) 
Sermon Hymn: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” (LSB 686)           
Offertory Hymn: You Are My King ( Amazing Love) 
Distribution Hymns: 
“Lord, I Need You”
“Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray” (LSB 623)
“The Gifts Christ Freely Gives” (LSB 602)
Nunc Dimittis: Build Your Kingdom Here

  • Prayer for the Word of God
    Lord Jesus.
    We know You are the only Saviour. Open the hearts of all who hear Your Word translated into their mother tongues that they may receive salvation from You alone and stop trying to earn it themselves. Amen. 
    In our prayers this week...

    • Katherine Aitchison, Doreen Christensen, Margaret Day, Elizabeth Decorby,  Rev. Jim Heinbuch, Lisa Kempf, David Kraatz, Dieter Krentz, Mary Mer, Rick Riemann, Allan Schole, Esther Townsend-Bridge, Nyabey Ter, Mary Nyakoang Tut (Sarah Lam's mother) ,Cheryl Will and Puolo Mulek. 
    • Jenn Jenson and daughter Katie (Cal and Janet Jenson's daughter-in-law and granddaughter). In a transplant operation, Katie will soon be receiving a kidney from her mom.

Copies of Sunday’s Sermon If you desire to have a printed copy of the sermons preached by Pastor Neil, they are available on the table in the foyer. To read the digital copy Click Here

Click on the link below for our live streamed worship services:

Grace Lutheran Livestream On YouTube

Access the LWML Canada Update - Flashlight September 2024  Click Here
Access the LWML Canada Update - October 1 Click Here

Wellspring PLEASE NOTE:
As a Bible study Wellspring is undergoing changes, so a change of time to restart has yet To Be Determined.  
Please await news from Pastor Neil. 

The Gospel Adventures Show
is a weekly kids audio program created in partnership by 
Lutheran Hour Ministries and 
Group Publishing.
Through Bible Stories, songs, storytelling, and activities, kids will encounter clear and compelling Gospel themes.
Join our hosts, 
Ben and Noah, as they teach listeners about Jesus and His love for us!

The Lutheran Hour –  October 13. 
"Difficult People". Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler.
With God, all things are possible, even how to deal with that difficult person in your life. (Genesis 31:6-7)
Listen Sunday mornings on 930 AM at 11:30 a.m. or 98.5 FM at 8:30 a.m.
Streaming audio and podcasts

Please check to see if you have any photos tucked away in an album or box showing the interior of the church on 107th Street. We’re also looking for photos of other events that may have taken place during the years that Grace was at that location, such as picnics, Sunday School, weddings or baptisms etc. Further, if someone has similar photos from the current building’s use – particularly from 1954 through the renovations in 1985, we’d appreciate borrowing them to possibly include in a special project. If you have some and are willing to loan them briefly please speak to Jill Kruitbosch, Laura Tanasychuk, or Pastor Larry. Thank you

STILL THINKING ANNIVERSARY – please remember these dates:
100th Anniversary Banquet, Saturday November 30th 6:00 pm
Festival Service of Holy Communion Sunday December 1st 10:00
Guest preacher, Pres.Timothy Teuscher, President of Lutheran Church-Canada
Anniversary Coffee Hour and light lunch to follow the service 

Centenary Contemplations XI.  1957-1967

We left the parishioners of Grace in a season of mourning after the sudden passing of Pastor Bruer.  The congregation was in a vacancy situation for about four months, but was able to welcome their new pastor on April 20, 1958.  Born in Russia and raised in Saskatchewan, Pastor George Rode had actually attended the church on 107th Street during the war years, while he was a student at Concordia.  He went on to receive his pastoral education at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, graduating in 1948.  While he was serving his first parishes in Melfort and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, he met and married Alfhilda Wiemken.  By the time they reached Grace, they had three children to liven up the parsonage.  Two more children would bless the pastoral household during their tenure at Grace.

Pastor Rode was only thirty-three when he began his service to the people of Grace, but had leadership qualities beyond his years.  His ministry would take place during the sixties, when the phrase “socio-economic change” began to describe much of the turbulence of that decade.  Alberta’s economy was changing, Edmonton was growing, and the result for Grace was a steady increase in members—members with children!  As the 50s came to a close, there were 131 children enrolled in Sunday School, of whom nearly half were under age five.  The “suburban” Oliver neighbourhood was changing radically.  As the large single-family homes came up for sale on the streets surrounding Grace, they were being snapped up by developers who soon created a jungle of high-rise and walk-up apartments around the barely five-year-old church building.

Despite the fact that space for children’s programming and meetings was extremely constricted, it was during the early sixties that Grace first began to open its doors to community groups that ran weekday programs.  A Brownie troop started meeting at Grace in 1960, soon followed by a pack of Cubs in 1961.  These groups met at Grace until 1965. 

Under Pastor Rode’s leadership, Grace Voters began the process of addressing the need for educational space by purchasing two lots north of the church proper—one in 1963, and the second in 1965.  The first was purchased for $25,000 ($248,160 in 2024 dollars) and the second for $23,000 ($220,200 today).  A building committee was struck.  Their labours came to fruition in the fall of 1967, when the Education Wing was completed.  It was dedicated in a special service on November 5, 1967.   Once again, the people of Grace could end their year rejoicing in the richness of God’s gifts to them. 

Source:  Bentsen, Barbara:  Growing in Grace:  A History of Grace Lutheran Church, Edmonton, Alberta.  Uvisco Press, 1984




Access the LWML Convention Connection Issue 4  here.
If you want to get a hold of 
Pastor James' Contact 
Church Office Hours:The church office will be open the following hours this week:Tuesday: 9:00-3:00 p.m.Thursday: 9:00-3:00 p.m. It would still be best to call before you stop by just to make sure someone is there! 
E-transfer Donations: Donations by e-transfer can be made to
Shut In List: If you are aware of a shut-in needing a visit, or you are currently a shut-in that may not be on our list, please contact Pastor Neil at the church office.  
Change of Personal Information: Please let the office know by phone (780 488 7967) or email ( of any changes to your address, phone number, email, etc. 
Grace Notes: Please send any submissions for next week's Grace Notes to by the end of the day on Wednesday. Thanks!

Grace Notes