Grace Lutheran Church


Access the LWML Canada Update - August 15 Click Here

LWML- Canada Update
Click here for the latest news and information from Lutheran Women's Missionary League - Canada.

WHAT IS Lutheran Women's Missionary League-Canada?

Lutheran.......... A body of believers, trusting in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Women's........ Supporting women of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds, in Canada, and around the world.

Missionary...... Reaching out with the Gospel to those in our homes, our churches, our communities, and our world.

League............ Organized into small groups ("societies") within congregations, zones, districts, and nationally.

Canada............ An auxiliary to Lutheran Church-Canada with almost 3,000 members in societies in 230 congregations

THE MISSION of Lutheran Women's Missionary League-Canada is to

  • GROW in God's Word
  • SHARE God's Son and
  • SERVE God's people

General Information About the LWML-C

MOTTO: "Called to Serve" Deuteronomy 10:12

(The theme of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League-Canada.)

PURPOSE: Grace Lutheran Church's LWML-C carries out that motto by growing in God's Word and reaching out to others with the Gospel of Jesus through word and deed.

GOALS: The members of Grace LWML-C

•Promote mission awareness within the congregation. •Support missions by contributing through MITE boxes. •Host foreign and home missionaries and missionary speakers. •Equip women for service through spiritual growth and personal development to serve others. •Participate in mission efforts in the community. •Support the work of the pastors of Grace congregation. •Support the mission work of Alberta-British Columbia District LWML-C and of LWML-Canada.

LWML- C     A Project From the Past

Years ago our LWML society often sponsored WIN House, as the need for women's shelters came to light.  This article explains some history.  There is a more complete  book summary  on the LWML bulletin board.

WINning:  The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Opening a Women's Shelter

Edmonton, AB-Housing for Women Book Society proudly announces the publication of their book that chronicles the history and the stories of the determined people who formed the first women's shelter in Edmonton, Alberta.  WINning: The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of Opening a Women's shelter is written by Marsha Mildon.

In the late 1960s, women arriving in Edmonton without friends, money or homes, had no good choices.  The women--and a few men--who realized this, came together to find a way to help.  The book records the 50-year history, and more importantly, the stories of how the founders got started, how they worked for years despite setbacks, how they fought to keep going and how they won to serve those women in need.

"WINning reflects the ups and downs of fifty years of sheltering," says shelter founder and long-time Board President Ardis Beaudry.  Read the stories--heartbreaking and heartwarming- of the founders, funders, volunteers, staff, and the women who stayed in the shelters.

Society has changed a lot in 50 years, yet there are still women in need of shelter, and dedicated people working to provide it.