Pastor's Page


  • Jun5Sun

    Pastor's Page - June 2016

    June 5, 2016

    Starting With Compassion   

    “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts...” Colossians 3:12a”

    There’s always too much to do. That seems to be a common theme in many people’s lives today. Too many demands, not enough time. Too many requests, not enough resources. To borrow a phrase from Bilbo Baggins, the old hobbit in the Lord of the Rings adventures, pretty soon we start feeling like butter scraped over too much bread.

    What is a hobbit (or a disciple of Jesus) to do? Jesus invites us to find our rest in Him. “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28) If you’re exhausted, you probably need a rest and not just a night of TV but a real rest, retreating from the stress of your everyday life, maybe going out of town for a few days or even a few weeks. Summer is the season where we make time to rest, family time, and time in the care of Jesus, having our souls re-aligned and brought back into balance. When considering your list of summer projects, don’t neglect your need for rest this year!

    At some point, we will be ready to re-engage with the challenges that our lives present us with. But where to begin?

    One word has been on my mind a lot lately. Compassion.

    When you take the time to really consider the people in your life, and what their needs are, and what demands they might be making on you, starting with compassion is a great place to begin.

    So what is your challenge?

    Tending to the needs of babies? Thankfully, God has pre-wired parents with compassion.

    Caring for a family of busy kids, with loudly expressed needs?

    Compassion reminds them that you are there to love them first.

    Working with stubborn, difficult, or rebellious students? Compassion will have more effect than anger.

    Coping with the changing needs of parents? Compassion is more productive than frustration.

    Working in an exhausting job? Try to identify the human benefit of whatever you do, and you may discover the compassion you need to be inspired.


    It takes compassion to assist a family of Syrian refugees like the Elyawis.

    It takes compassion to donate money or time in support of neighbours in Fort MacMurray who have lost everything.

    It takes compassion to stop for a moment and talk on the sidewalk or in the aisle at the grocery store or to pray with a friend who is hurting.


    It takes compassion to walk through grief together.

    If you’re like most of us, you probably need a rest. Take it. Enjoy it. Don’t cut it too short. And when you are ready to go again, start with compassion.


    May the God who has an abundance of love for us all, bless us to be a blessing to our neighbours!


    Pastor Curtis


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