Pastor's Page


  • May21Sun

    Pastor's Page - June 2017

    May 21, 2017 Curtis Boehm

    “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
    -Proverbs 29:18 KJV

    This old-language translation of proverbs 29:18 is snappy and memorable. A closer study of the verse in it's context will reveal a fuller picture: God’s people need prophets to guide them in the truth, and in times when those prophets are absent or silent, the people go astray or become discouraged. But I like the old language. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

    Recently we have been talking about vision at Grace Lutheran Church. What does it mean to have vision? And what might happen to our family of faith if we were to establish a clear vision for our ministry together?

    At our Vision retreat on May 27, the congregation took the opportunity to come together and recall how God has directed us in past seasons of fruitful ministry, and to name and describe the new season which is beginning to unfold. At the time I am writing this, the retreat hasn’t happened yet. But as Andrea and I have prayed about what Jesus is doing around here, a few things have come into focus.

    Our Vision is Hyper-local

    Grace is planted in one of the most dense neighbourhoods in Canada. Oliver is home to more than 18,000 people. That means there are an enormous number of people right outside our front doors that need good news! While we care about all our members, and seek to bless and serve all who attend Grace Lutheran, there is a special place in our hearts for our neighbourhood friends, and we place a priority on ministry initiatives that bring good news to the people we share streets and sidewalks with.

    Our Vision includes a Ministry of Empowerment

    God’s people are blessed with some amazing gifts. Everyone who calls Grace “my church” becomes part of our ministry team. As a family of faith, we see the Kingdom being built not just by paid professionals but by all God’s people who are discovering and using the gifts He has given them. So we consider it important to train and empower disciples who will make disciples. God’s abounding Grace is truly transformative, making empty hearts full to overflowing, and giving helpless, broken and hurting people a story of healing that is truly compelling to those who do not yet believe.

    Our Vision is to be Sent in all Directions

    People come to Grace Lutheran from all over Edmonton, and even beyond the city limits. That means the group that gathers here to worship each week is sent out in all directions, to be a blessing to many people near and far. This is how Jesus has been doing it for 2 millennia! May He continue to use this place as a home base for missionary training, and send us out with confidence to be good news in the lives of all we meet.

    As we enter the season of Pentecost, let us give thanks to the Lord for His vision, and continue to seek clarity as we follow Him into a future marked by hope and His promise.

    Once again, Andrea, the Kids, and I continue to be very enthused to be among you as friends and co-workers as Jesus builds his kingdom here. Thank you for being a part of this family of faith.

    Pastor Curtis


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