Pastor's Page


  • Oct31Mon

    Pastor's Page - November 2016

    October 31, 2016

    “Time like an ever rolling stream soon bears us all away,” goes the opening line from the familiar hymn, “O God, Our Help in Ages Past.”  Appropriate words for the month of November as we celebrate the festival of All Saints and remember as well those who have offered their lives and still do in an effort to bring peace to our troubled world.  Indeed, time like a river moves on for all of us.  Sometimes the stream is like a trickle.  At others, it’s like a rushing torrent, crashing over jagged boulders.

    No matter which, life is precious but fleeting.  Some say it speeds up with age.  In reality, while still young each day is proportionately a much larger segment of your entire life thus far.  Hence children waiting for a birthday or Christmas may find each day is like a thousand years.   But as you get older each day counts for a far smaller percentage of your total days and hence the illusion of time flying by.  Psalm 90 puts time in perspective—God’s perspective.  “A thousand years in Your sight is like a day that has just gone by.”  Our time is in God’s hands no matter how we might measure its passing.  How we use it is all that matters.

    The saints we recall who have gone before us have left us an example of a faith that was lived – not perfectly but in the end faithfully.  They had their ups and downs.  They had their fears and doubts, their tears and joys.  They failed at times and often enough, as we still do and will.  We may have known some of their struggles but certainly not all.  And yet they trusted in the life and work of their Saviour and in His time He called them home. 

    Meanwhile we live on.  We dwell in the light of Jesus, sometimes walking, sometimes stumbling, and sometimes even running as we strive to share His light with others.  At all times it’s important to remember we’re never alone in our journey.  The Lord is with us as He promised.  And further He has blessed us with brothers and sisters in faith. 

    Together we share in Jesus’ ministry – weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice, and continually reaching out with His love to embrace others no matter who they may be.   In this life we are saints indeed, yet sinners still like those who have gone before us. 

    Take some deliberate time this month to thank the Lord for all the saints who have touched your life.  Thank Him for those who have served for your protection and peace.  And as the stream of life flows on, ask His guidance and strength that you may be like Jesus to others.  For as a sainted college professor I once knew often said; “One life to live.  Twill soon be past.  Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

    Pastor Larry

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